Ground Work 101
Catching Your Hose In The Field
1. Relax and approach gently remember he might think you are a predator so don’t tense up, turn your eyes away from his eyes and look at his feet. This will show him you aren’t a threat.
2. Watch and he will give you an invitation to approach he will turn his head or front quarters towards you, lick his lips or soften his eyes. He has invited you in. Walk towards him slowly and keep his attention.
3. If he does the opposite and ignores you or walks away back off the pressure immediately. If you back off he will take a few steps, stop and relax. Then he will rethink inviting you in instead of getting away from you.
4. When I approach a horse I hold out my hand palm down and let him sniff me. When he softens I rub his neck, muzzle or any area that makes him feel relaxed and comfortable. Using this technique will help you build confidence and trust with your horse. At this point you should be able to slip a halter on him or hook in your lead rope and proceed to the next step.
Crossing His Feet
1. This exercise is designed to teach your horse that you are strong enough to take care of him and that you are the leader. You will need a 14’ lead line and a knot halter for this exercise. ( I prefer a double diamond brand knot halter because the knots are already positioned for you to have utmost control. The 14’ lead line works best if it is a cotton outside over a nylon inside. The cotton coating will keep the line from burning your hands in the event of an unruly horse.)
2. Crossing his front feet. Take the lead line about 2’ down from the knot halter into your left hand. Place the remainder of the lead line into your right hand. Hold your left hand up in the air and twirl the lead line in your right hand to get your horse to move. Look at this front foot that you want him to move. To cross his front feet you are asking him to go to your left with your left hand. The right hand is the energy to make him move. You will twirl the rope in the air closer and closer until he moves. But, he must cross his right foot over his left to yield to you. Repeat until he does. To cross the right foot; repeat above steps switching hands. He only has to cross them once, but it must be a genuine cross over, not a side step.
3. Crossing his hind legs. Take the lead line about 2’ down from the halter in your left hand. Crouch over and look at this left hind foot, you are on his left facing him. Twirl the rope and pretend that you are a predator and going to bite his hind foot. Move in close towards his body and make him move his hind quarters away from you crossing his feet. Repeat on the other side. Remember he must cross, not just step out of your way.
This exercise is amazing in that when done properly he has just given you control over his feet. It is a difficult exercise and requires some practice, but in a short time you will be able to do it. You cannot do this exercise too much. You should do it EVERY time you handle your horse whether it is to lead him across the pasture or to ride him. You will be surprised at how it makes your horse respectful and easy to work with.
You absolutely cannot do this step too often.
Yielding His Front Quarters
1. Wrap your lead line around your horses buttocks on his left side and pull from the right side until line is taught. His head and neck should be turned to the left. When he yields to this pressure you can release the pressure on the lead line to reward him. Repeat on the other side.
Try these quick exercises and you will have a much more respectful horse and happier ride.
Too cold to do much today, wind chill is -5 but better days are coming. Horses are all tucked in and eating hay and grain. Some of them are sleeping in the sunshine out of the wind. I guess they are having one of those days when you want to snuggle up in front of the fireplace in their case sunshine and just be lazy.
Have a great day.